Garena free fire success story - Garena Free Fire

Garena Free Fire Success Story - Garena Free Fire is a multiplayer game in which all 60 players are put on an island and then they have to fight among themselves and the one who survives till the last is declared the winner of the game.


Garena free fire success story 

Garena free fire success story- Today we will know about the success of Free Fire, it is also the favorite game of many people, earlier where you needed a computer or xbox to play a good game.

At the same time, when Garena  Free Fire was launched, it changed the entire gaming experience and if you are a big fan of playing games and you do not know about this game, it cannot happen.
If seen, this game is similar to PUBG but the graphics and design of this game are quite different from PUBG.

You must have known about the Garena  Free Fire game, but how did Garena Free Fire start and after all, let's discuss about who made Free Fire.

How Free Fire Was Made?

Free Fire is not made by any one person, it is made by a company Garena but the credit for creating Free Fire game is given to "Forrest Lee

For your information, the "Garena" company was created by Forrest Lee in the year 2009, here many people think that Free Fire is made by the Chinese company but this is completely wrong because Garena and its founder are from singapore

In addition to making games, the Garena company also does its business in e-commerce, e-sports, digital finance, and before making the free fire game, the Garena company had also made many games such as Arena of Valor, Headshot, Free Fall and Many games are also included

Although Garena did not get so much popularity even after making many games, but in 2017 when the company free fire game landed in the market, since then the company has become very famous.

Where did the idea to make Free Fire come from?

Forrest Lee, the owner of Free Fire Means Garena Company, came up with the idea of ​​​​making the game when Forrest Lee saw that the "Pubg" game, which was limited to the computer and Xbox in 2017, was very much liked by the people and from this the idea. he thought of making a game like "Pubg" for mobile users.

Free Fire owner name and country

The owner of Garena Free Fire game is the free fire owner name "Forrest Lee". Free Fire Game is developed by 111 Dots Studio and the game is published by a company called Garena, owned by Forrest Lee.

In addition, the current CEO of the free Free Fire game is also Forrest Lee. Talking about Garena, it is an online game developer and publisher company based in Singapore.

The name of the company that makes this game is Garena, which has made this game.
The word Garena is made up of two words which include "Global and Arena".

Free Fire monthly income 

Some information was found on Google about this, in which it has been told that Free Fire earns more than 70 million dallor  in 1 day and according to this, the earning of 1 month of Free Fire will be more than 2000 million. This figure has been given according to the popularity of Free Fire. There may be more or less in it.


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